I am an
analytical thinker, who loves
problem solving.
I value professional and self development and
that is why I oftenly work on personal projects.
I have a master's degree in theoretical Physics,
awarded by the University of Copenhagen.
Through physics projects I
discovered my love for computer science. That is
why I am pursuing a career as a software engineer and dedicated
myself to becoming proficient in the field of computer science.
I am currently a Java back-end developer at the PMM group, contributing to a variety of projects and utilizing several technologies for example Oracle SQL, MongoDB, Elastic, Jenkins etc. My academic background and professional experience have equipped me with expertise in diverse fields, ranging from Java software development to solving analytically mathematical problems using Python or MATLAB.
I value clarity, empathy, and
integrity. I love
solving complex problems, especially when
I join forces with other people.
I currently work as a Java back-end developer at Public Group delivering scalable and maintainable software solutions to one of Greece’s leading eCommerce platforms,
processing millions of orders yearly. I utilize the ATG Web Commerce framework in Java and the Spring
Framework to create innovative solutions and enhance the digital
experience for our customers. My experience includes:
Key Responsibilities:
Designing and optimizing service and repository layers.
Working on microservices using Spring and Hibernate.
Develoing and deploying RESTful API workflows.
Database management: Oracle SQL and MongoDB for NoSQL.
Identifying and fixing bugs.
Using Jenkins, OpenShift for CI/CD deployments and Git for version control.
Working with product managers, designers, frontend developers with agile methodologies.
Significant Project Contributions:
Payment Methods Integration (Iris & Revolut): Contributed to the integration of Iris and Revolut payment APIs to streamline transaction processes and ensuring real-time updates of payment statuses.
Cart & Checkout Redesign: Optimized the cart and checkout process, improving load speeds and efficiency. Implemented a cart synopsis feature displaying detailed order summaries including shipping charges, eligible payment methods, and discount savings.
User Consent Management: Built a system to handle user consents and preferences, including email confirmation workflows, database updates, and integration with external services for consent verification.
B2B Consultant Management: Developed a configurable interface in BCC for managing Sales Officer assignments per company, including creating, updating, and retrieving consultant information. Integrated SAP data for dynamic consultant display on user account pages. Implemented credit control payment methods, enabling or disabling the payment option dynamically based on product SKU and user preferences.
Product Listings & URL Management: Created functionality to manage URL directives for specific product listing pages, allowing precise control over product visibility based on business rules.
Automated Notification System: Implemented a Viber-to-SMS fallback notification system, prioritizing Viber for user engagement and cost efficiency. Developed a scheduling system to automate SMS notifications for orders requiring prepayment, ensuring timely communication with customers.
Skills: · Java · ATG · Spring · SQL · MongoDB · Git · Elastic · Bitbucket
Worked on the software, Quantum ESPRESSO and used Python to calculate
numerically optical and thermodynamic properties of metals. All
calculations were completed using the Linux command line.
Skills: LaTeX · Linux · Quantum ESPRESSO · Python
ACME Delivery Service is a web application that allows
individuals to order online food, beverages, etc. The user can
search for the desired store, create an order containing items
only from the same store and retrieve all placed orders. Also
the user can view the list of the most famous stores in general,
per category and the 10 most popular products.
This project involved collaboration and utilized both Angular
and Spring Boot technologies.
This project combines supervised & transfer learning and
utilizes the PubMed 200k RCT dataset and NLP techniques to
classify medical abstract sentences into roles (e.g., objective,
methods, results). It explores various text classification model
architectures and strategies.
It involves preprocessing the PubMed RCT200k dataset, conducting
various modeling experiments, and building a multimodal model to
replicate the architecture proposed in the referenced paper.
Finally we choose the best-performing model for our test data.
The models we developed are the following: Global Average Model,
Pre-trained Embedding Model, Conv1D Character Embedding Model,
Token and Character Hybrid Model, Positional Token Character
Embedding Model, Modified Trihybrid Model with Callbacks
The "Food Vision Big™" project combines supervised & transfer
learning and aims to surpass DeepFood paper's top-1 accuracy of
77.4% using the Food101 dataset and TensorFlow Datasets.
- The project covers data handling, efficient training, model
building, fine-tuning, and result visualization.
- The model is trained, achieving an accuracy of 83.79%.
- Fine-tuning and evaluation on test data showcase the model's
success in surpassing the targeted accuracy.
- Visualizations include a confusion matrix, F1 scores plot, and
analysis of most wrong predictions.
The capstone project involves writing software to plan a
trajectory for the end-effector of a youBot mobile manipulator,
perform odometry as the chassis moves, and perform feedback
control to drive the youBot to pick up a block at a specified
location, carry it to a desired location, and put it down. The
final output is a CSV text file that specifies the
configurations of the chassis, the angles of the four wheels,
and the state of the gripper (open or closed) as a function of
time. The software was tested on the CoppeliaSim simulator.
The project was implemented using Python as part of the online
course Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control
We used MATLAB and Python to implement theoretical models and numerically calculate parameters, for Matrix representation, functions & tensor analysis and 1-D, 2-D & contour plots.
Bachelor Thesis3 months of instructor led-training on:
9 months of instructor led-training on:
Thesis Tile: The CMB on large angular scales
Thesis Title: Perfect Transmission in Non-Hermitian Scattering Media
- Likelihood - Distribution function - Prior and Posterior Probabilities - Maximum Likelihood Estimation - Bayesian Parameter Estimation - Hypercube and Gaussian functions - kth-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifier - Parzen Windows classifier - Steepest Descent algorithm
- Neural Network Regression & Classification - Computer Vision - NLP - Time Series - Transfer Learning - Supervised Learning
- A∗ search algorithm - Sampling-Based Planning - Robot Kinematics and Dynamics Project - Form Closure - Stability of an Assembly - Capstone Project, Mobile Manipulation
All assignments and projects were completed using Visual Studio. - Objects, Types and Values. - Errors. - Functions. - Classes - IO Streams - Customizing IO - Graphic Classes - Class Design - GUI - Vector and Free Store - Pointer and Arrays